
We empower families to acquire a strong sense of safety and security by teaching them how to cultivate essential skills, foster communication, build resiliency, and hone leadership.


Are you missing out on essential insights? Take the assessment now!

Take the Assessment

What Can Your Assessment Reveal To You?


Parenting during chaotic times requires immense bravery. We want nothing more than to protect our children, but emergencies and natural disasters can leave us feeling overwhelmed and scared. But instead of giving in to fear, let’s tap into the power that comes from being able to protect our families. Strengthen the special bond you share with your children by taking the time to prepare for potential catastrophes, both by building on your existing strengths and addressing areas where growth is necessary. Taking this selfless approach can reveal hidden reserves of courage within you and your child, ultimately making you a stronger, more resilient family.

What are the benefits of having a plan?


Emotional security in knowing that you have taken steps to protect your loved ones






Physical security in having the necessary supplies to survive an emergency situation






Social recognition for being a responsible and prepared family








As Seen In















“You always bring interesting topics, but more than that, you make us take action.”

This is unique about you, to make people think about what’s important in life. Thank you again. Because of your speech, now my husband and I have plans for hurricane season.

Ivana. J – Clearwater, FL





“Daniel is a realist & speaks the facts. He leads a room well. When he talks, we listen.

He likes to see other people succeed. That is a true characteristic of a leader. I think sometimes he believes more in others than they believe in themselves.”

Krist. G – Palm Harbor, FL