12 Days of Christmas Day One Vision

Merry Christmas

Today is Day One of the 12 Days of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas, also called Christmastide (“Christmas time”) and sometimes referred to as Twelvetide, is another name for the festive Christmas season celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. It starts on Christmas Day, December 25, and ends on January 5 of the following year, known as Twelfth Night or Epiphany Eve.


Day 1.

During the 12 days of Christmas, my gift to you is leadership. It is vital for you to know that real leaders are needed today at this time in history. And if you are a parent, it is my wish that you become one.


There are many accepted leadership styles, tactics, techniques. They vary widely based on the platform they are meant to work in: military, business, theology, education, and the arts. They all have slightly different rules of engagement for acceptable leadership practices in those professions.

I will reveal some of my thoughts on being a leader and how they can affect our families, businesses, and communities.

These thoughts are based on many years of leadership development: training, practice, readings, and observation.



There are three things you must do to become a true leader.

You must be teachable

Celebrate the small wins

Avoid the mindset you have become an expert just because you have achieved a specific goal.


I have observed three distinct types of leaders.

I call it the three Ts of Leadership.





Five Levels of Leadership

Position. The lowest level of leadership—the entry-level is Position. It’s the only level that requires no ability or effort to achieve. At Level 1, people only follow if they believe that they have to.

Permission. At this level, people choose to follow because they want to. In other words, they give the leader Permission to lead them; Level 2 is where solid, lasting relationships are built that create the foundation for the next level.

Production. On this level, leaders who produce results build their influence and credibility. People follow Level 3 leaders because of their track record.

People Development. Your goal at this level is to identify and develop as many leaders as possible by investing in them and helping them grow.

Pinnacle. You can’t reach Level 5 unless you are willing to invest your life into the lives of others for the long haul.

Based on teaching by – John C. Maxwell       

Ref: https://www.johnmaxwell.com/blog/the-5-levels-of-leadership1/


12 Distinctions of Leadership

Leaders Have A Powerful Vision

Leaders Are Committed To Their Vision

Leaders Live By Values That Are Consistent With Their Vision

Leaders Are Inspirational And Empowering, Enrolling Others In Their


Leaders Are Change Masters

Leaders Are Risk Takers

Leaders Are Responsible For It All

Leaders Are Expert Communicators

Leaders See All Obstacles As Opportunities

Leaders Are Wise Thinkers

Leaders Have Incredible Strength Of Character

Leaders Develop Leadership In Others

Based on teaching by – Michael Strasner

Ref: http://michaelstrasner.com/all/michael-on-mastering-leadershipwith-steve-weatherford/


As noted above, the first distinction of leadership is Vision.


I have a vision. My Vision is to protect our children from the emergencies and disasters that will come into their lives. My mission is to prepare their parents to protect their children from them.


Are you the kind of person who likes to have total control over every aspect of your life? 

Then I have something for you, leadership. You cannot live a life in excellence without it.

Connect with your children on a level deeper than you thought possible. Instill leadership within your children, create an open line of communications with your children, and develop resiliency your children can take with them long after you are gone.

Step Up and be the Leader

Step Into your children’s lives, learn from them, and teach them.

Step Out into the world with them to do beautiful things.

Till next time




“Be Safe”

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