Are Covid-19 Vaccine Passports Coming?

The people of the world are demanding another layer of bubble wrap to protect them from the angst and the anxiety of feeling unsafe in a world that is trying to kill them.

And the government is more than willing to demonstrate its social correctness by instituting an internal passport system that will make people appear to be safer than they really are.

Using a Covid 19 vaccination record card as the de facto passport to allow an individual to gain access to people, places or things is unconstitutional. Such an internalized passport in the U.S. today would be unconstitutional under the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

If we follow the science of today, having a Covid 19 vaccination does not make you incapable of transmitting the disease to anybody else.

The concept of a Covid 19 passport harkens back to the Gary Act that was passed by Congress on May 5, 1892

The law required all Chinese residents of the United States to carry a resident permit, a sort of internal passport. Failure to carry the permit at all times was punishable by deportation or a year of hard labor.

Failure to produce a Covid 19 vaccination record will cause additional financial strife and emotional stress among citizens of the country. It will prevent the ability to secure transportation or travel. It will prevent commerce and it will prevent individuals from the ability to access simple day-to-day resources that they use on an ongoing basis. The government may enact such a policy for no other reason but to be perceived as protecting the people who demand the government protect them from things they fear.

This is kind of an oxymoron since SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 is a construct of mother nature that no government or institution has any control over and will never have any control over.

The need for a Covid 19 passport is already generating another subsector of criminal activity, counterfeit Covid 19 shot records. That is right if you don’t get your Covid 19 inoculation, you will be able to find somebody selling you a Covid 19 vaccination card that confirms that you were vaccinated.

Sarah Gonzalez of New York, a Nurse Practitioner, displays a COVID-19 vaccine card at a New York Health and Hospitals vaccine clinic in the Brooklyn borough of New York Sunday, Jan. 10, 2021. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle) Craig Ruttle AP

At what point will the insertion of an RFID chip in the side of your neck become law, to prove that you are in compliance with the regulation of the week?

Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790

Till next time




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