“Rehydrate or die, Drill Sergeant. Rehydrate or die.”


© Daniel Kilburn
During my tenure as a Senior Drill Sergeant I was charged as all Drill Sergeants are with the safety, health and welfare of the young men and women placed in our charge.
During their time with us these individuals are placed in situations that will tax their physical, mental and emotional core beyond anything they have ever witnessed in their lives, with few exceptions.
These individuals were placed in situations that if not managed judiciously, could cause serious injury and death. In this environment there are no accidents. Only failures to act accordingly.
One of the most serious and preventable injuries we are faced with are HEAT ILLNESSES. Heat illness falls under three headings
HYPONATREMIA “Water Intoxication”
Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke are the two most common manageable injuries. Hypernatremia is a byproduct of over hydrating and can be mistaken for Heat Stroke.
In our efforts to maintain proper hydration forced hydration is often implemented. I personally have 12 one hour hydration alarms set on my phone that activated every hour from 0700 (7 am) till 1900 (7 pm) though this was sometimes extended into the evening depending on the situation. As the alarm activated I would (if it would not cause great risk because of what we were doing) yell, DRINK WATER!!! The soldiers would then sound off with
“Rehydrate or die, Drill Sergeant. Rehydrate or die.”
And they would go to their Canteen or Camelback and drink water.
I bring this up because in a Disaster/Emergency situation your need for water will probably elevate. Waiting to drink water when your thirsty means that you are already dehydrated and at risk of Heat Injury.
Personal Risk Factors
Don’t be the person that places your family and loved ones at risk because you don’t have time to keep hydrated.
A couple good resources to start with;
Water is water. It is not Coffee, Soda, Red Bull, Amped, Beer, Wine, Ices Tea or anything else with an H20 base and additives. Make a list of everything you drink daily that is not water (H20). You will probably learn that you are not drinking enough water.
Depending on your source of information ½ to One gallon of water a day is the recommended quantity.
Go here to check your H2O need;
Till next time
“Be Safe”


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