Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from my family to yours.

The year is almost over.

Did I reach my goals? Have you reached your goals?

Was it my best year ever? Was it your best?

I’m happy with my progress, and I am always looking towards what’s next. What else can I do? How can I make an impact? How can I help you?

More specifically, I like to look at three things:

Thing #1: I look back on where I came from

(So, I can track my progress)

Thing #2: I admire where I am today

(So, I can appreciate what I have)

Thing #3: I think about what I want in the future

(So, I can plan to succeed)

It’s a good exercise, and I recommend you do it, too.

But for now, I have a small favor.

I always send out helpful content,

One of my big goals for next year is to launch the Emergency Action Planning Workshop – I’m shooting for March 2018 – where I take you behind the scenes of developing a real Emergency Action Plan.

I plan on sharing the successes, the failures, and every gritty detail in a multi-media format where you can pull away huge insights for yourself and your loved ones.

Stay tuned. I have some questions for you.

January will be filled with information on the upcoming EAP Workshop and how it will benefit you, your family and loved ones.

Till next time



“Be Safe”

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