Three drought survival tips for the current crisis

20220725 Word of the Week – Drought

Three drought survival tips for the current crisis.

Drought is a severe problem that can have a devastating effect on communities and businesses. Drought has led to crop failures, loss of jobs, and even mass migration. If you are concerned about drought and its potential effects on your community. This blog post will discuss three drought survival tips to help you thrive during dry weather.

This is a severe issue with far-reaching consequences. The drought has already caused immense economic damage and will worsen.

Everyone needs to be aware of the situation and do what they can to conserve water. Even small changes can make a big difference. What can we do?

Have a Plan:

The first drought survival tip is to have a plan. If you live in an area prone to drought, it is essential to have a plan in place. This plan should include where you will get your water from, how you will conserve water, and what you will do if your crops fail. Having a plan will help.

Extra water:

Water is always a part of your emergency plan. And, if you are in a drought, doubling the amount of water on hand will be helpful. You may need to depend on your water storage longer than expected.

Consider this; you may use your water faster than anything else. And clean water will be hard to access under duress. Foraging for water should not be your number one water sourcing option. But it would help if you planned for it.

When possible, use grey-water. Grey-water is water that you can reuse from your household and not contaminated by feces. Laundry, dish-washing, or bathing water is usually acceptable to flush toilets and wash hands.

If you need to forage, it comes to wild water. Wild water is any water that originated in nature. This place can be a stream, river, pond, or lake. This water should always be considered contaminated, processed and filtered as needed. Remember to keep this water away from fresh drinking water to prevent cross-contamination.

Dust Storms:

While it is important to be aware of the dangers posed by dust storms, with some simple precautions, you can reduce your risk. Remember to stay indoors during a dust storm, cover your nose, mouth, and wear eye protection when you must go outside, and take extra care in areas where dust storms are common.

Most importantly, be prepared for drought conditions before they become a problem. Make sure you have enough water stored away and know how to collect and store grey-water and wild water. Prepare your home for power outages and make sure you have an emergency plan in place. By being proactive now, you can help ensure that you and your family are safe during times of crisis.

Additional Information:

Till next time




“Be Safe”

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