Tip of the Day – Have a Plan

 The tip of the day for April 16, 2022, is to have a plan.

Sometimes we don’t think we need a plan and there are many times when a spur-of-the-moment thing is very enjoyable. But even though we might do something in the spur of the moment, subconsciously, deep down inside we have a plan.

It is usually terrific to have a plan of action when it comes to disaster management planning, business, or family.

A plan of action will help you do several things. One is it saves some time. You will not be running around like a chicken with your head cut off. Having a plan will save you energy because you’re not going to be frustrated by waste energy trying to figure out what you’re going to do. And believe it or not having a plan can help you save money.

Why is having a plan essential? Are you a  leader in your family, a leader in your business, or your community? You are responsible for everything.

When you set a process or a project in motion, you are responsible for completing it. Ideally, you’d like to complete it to the best of your ability. But sometimes, that is not even good enough. Often a good plan can fail. It’s okay. Nothing is perfect. Sometimes creating a plan means finding the resources and information you need.

There are many times we want to do something and we have no idea how to do it. At those times it’s good to reach out and get some coaching or consulting, find somebody who has done it ask them how to do it. Successful people will hire a coach, listen to them, follow the plan of action to accomplish or achieve your goals.

 When I go out to a restaurant, and I have a couple of favorites, I almost always order the same thing because it is my favorite dish. But I look at the menu anyway to see if there’s something else I might want, thats sort of part of the plan.

It is sometimes good to do things differently. Get outside, do something different, go have some fun make it a plan to enjoy yourself. Leaders accept responsibility for it all.

Till next time




“Be Safe”


P.S. Remember not to forget to take the Disaster/Emergency Planning Assessment. Get a handle on where you really are in your ability to protect yourself and your loved ones.

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