Word of the Week – Belief

20220530 Word of the Week – Belief

On this day, May 30th, 2022, Memorial Day I honor all service members who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom of speech. And the responsibility that comes with it.

Don’t Believe everything you hear and only half of what you see.

Of note is the fabricated photo in this article.


This photo does show what appears to be a modern AR-15. However, it is obvious the photo has been fabricated, or the caption has.

The facts of photo fabrication are the collapsible butt-stock and cylindrical forward hand grips. These were not issued on the Military M4 until 1994, 27 years after this photo was taken

The apparent full flash suppressor has never been in use on an M16 rifle. A three-pronged flash hider was used in 1967. And the length of the barrel identifies this as a short-barreled rifle. Not in production during the Vietnam Conflict. The photo is a fabrication or was taken after Vietnam, and the caption has been fabricated

Compare these two photos to see what a standard-issue battle rifle of the time looked like. No, they are not the same.


If the photo in question is an actual AP photo, why the fabrication. I think the photo historians at Associated Press (AP) would know better, or are they intentionally lying about the photo? Yes I did say that, lying.

Another option, this being passed off as an AP photo by the editors of The Intercept?

The real question is someone is lying. If news media is willing to lie to the public with a photo, what else are they lying about with their words?


“The recognition that something has gone terribly wrong with how people consume information has led to calls for censorship or even appointing a government “reality czar.”


A Government Reality Czar or more Censorship is very bad.

When the organizations we rely on for information are lying to us for profit, the entire system becomes suspect. When the information we rely on becomes suspect, we retreat into our own bubble of information and what we believe to be true. The danger here is that we really should not believe what we believe.

Trust, but verify.

Never Believe what you Believe. https://humanparts.medium.com/do-you-really-believe-what-you-believe-635098e3b456

Till next time




“Be Safe”


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