Word of the Week – Help


20220411 Word of the Week – Help


Help with what?

As leaders, it’s our responsibility to assist and help up, anybody we can.

If you are already into the prepping mode and working with your family and your loved ones to protect them from future emergencies and disasters, you will get into what I call the maintenance mode.

This is where you’ve already got everything put together. So you are trading out food you are trading out closes, moving the food through your pantry, or restocking everything. Make sure the batteries are fresh; you’re using things, so you don’t have to throw them away, and you’re simply maintaining them in some way, shape, or form.

Where can we help others in the planning and preparation process? I know you live in a community where there are people around you. You may have spoken to some of those people at some time, they may be engaged with you in preparing themselves, and their families or their loved ones, or they might think your whack job and moved on down the road.

It is a common focal point with your diehard Preppers not to tell many people that you are prepared for emergencies and disasters. The theory here is that those who choose to do nothing will be beating down your door to take everything you have away from you, your family, and your loved ones because they have chosen to do nothing.

And unfortunately, this is a distinct possibility on some levels.

But it does not have to be. Let me tell you a story about my daughter and my granddaughter.

Last Christmas, they chose to spend their own money and buy packages of brand-new socks. They went into some of the most impoverished neighborhoods in San Francisco and handed out fresh clean socks to people living on the streets. They still do this today. They started calling it socks on the blocks. I love it.

Now you know Drill Sgt. Dad will get all worried and ask them to be careful. They have no idea what they’re doing. Somebody’s going to hurt them. And my daughter and my granddaughter told me, Papa it’s okay. We know what we’re doing. There are certain places we will not go (Situational awareness). And the places they go, the people receive them graciously and look over them to make sure they don’t get hurt, the car doesn’t get broken into, vandalized, or stolen. Why because they chose to help those people.

So are you going to help? What kind of leader are you going to be? What legacy will you leave for your family and your children long after you are gone?

If you’re just getting started, go to the link below for some additional information and download the latest copy of Are You Ready, the FEMA guide for citizen preparedness.

Additional Information:

EAP Resources: https://www.emergencyactionplanning.com/resources/

Are You Ready? Guide. An in-depth guide to citizen preparedness. Available in several languages: https://www.ready.gov/collection/are-you-ready

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Till next time




“Be Safe”

P.S. Do you know your actual disaster/emergency planning status?

Take the free Disaster/Emergency Planning Assessment and schedule a free consultation on what you can do to improve your plan.




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