Word of the Week Medical

Word of the Week for December 20th, 2021, is Medical

The medical information provided in this training material is, at best, of a general nature and cannot substitute for the advice of a medical professional i.e. a qualified doctor/ physician, nurse, pharmacist/ chemist or such. Emergency Action Planning is not a doctor.

Please note I am not a doctor, I have not played a Doctor on a Movie or TV show, and I do not pretend to be a doctor even though I have taught First Aid and CPR for the American Red Cross. And have received Combat Life Saver Training while in the US Army.

Three basic skills are, Bleeding, Breathing, and Shock. Failure to address these issues and your patient can die.


Medical training and First Aid skill are perishable. They need to be evaluated, assessed, replaced and re-trained on a regular basis.

Current American Red Cross First Aid and CPR certifications are good for two years. I recommend starting there.

The American Red Cross is not the only organization that provides First Aid/CPR training. Go to Uncle Google and search for First Aid training in your county. And many options should pop up.

National Safety Council

Local Hospitals

Community Colleges

Fire Stations & EMT’s

Local Scouting organizations for young children.

This is important hands-on training for the entire family.

Get your basic First Aid and CPR training, and then you can upgrade your level of First Aid proficiency with the appropriate advanced training.

My favorite advanced first aid provider is Doom and Bloom, operated by Dr, Joe and Nurse Amy Alton. They provide a wonderful selection of educational information, training and supplies.

First Aid Kits:

If you already have a basic first aid kit. Make sure it is up-to date, the ingredients are perishable and over time they will degrade.

If you do not have a first aid kit, get one. They can be found at most Pharmacies and big-box stores.

Till next time




“Be Safe”

P.S. Remember not to forget to get your free gift the Holiday House Fire-Safety eBook go to www.eapready.com. Add your name and email address and it will be sent to you. You will also have the opportunity to get in on the free webinar where we will go over the information in the eBook. Ask questions, get answers and keep your family safe.


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