What do you want?

Hello there,

This is Jasper,

I’ve been able to hack in to Daniel’s computer.

I want to let you know that there are several things going on.

If you’re wondering who I am. I am Jasper The cat. Yep that’s me in the picture. I was nine weeks old when they rescued me from the shelter. I was all skin and bones. Now he calls me a fat cat.

I sit on his desktop all day long. That is how I have been able to find his password. Ssh, don’t  let him know.

Nepeta, the other cat was lost after hurricane Irma. She escaped the safe house and has not been located even though she has a chip. I know that they hope she found a good home. Dan thinks she was a feral cat when they rescued her, so hopefully she has found a good place that supports her.

After a couple of months they decided to rescue another kitten. Aliza wanted a new CAT, that’s me Jasper at the vet last week.


I have discovered that Daniel has some issues, as most humans do.

Daniel is worried why people will not do anything to protect themselves, their families, their love ones, or their pets.

I have watched for some time now. He is trying to find out what it takes to get people to take action.

Last year 2017 saw a lot of natural disasters in the US.

Hurricanes, wild fires, mudslides. Millions of people were affected.

So tell me, have you prepared yourself, your families, and your loved ones? How about your pets?

If not, I would like to know why!!!

I do know that when the next hurricane season hits the Eastern and Gulf coasts, I am safe. But what about the rest of the country. California had some terrible wildfires and mudslides. Tornado ally is an ongoing event, And what about those pending earthquakes? Where are the cats, and as much as I hate to say it, the dogs?

Are you going to take care of your pets, your family, and your loved ones?

Daniel is preparing a special training program to make this happen. And he needs your help.

I hear this term. It’s called a brown round I have no idea what that means. You can probably find some in my box.

I know he can help thousands of people before they are in distress. Senior Drill Sgt. may have something to do with it.

He needs help. He would like to know what you need.

I am confident that he is able to make things happen. After all he makes sure that I am cared for daily and those brown rounds get removed from my box.

I watch him working on a training workshop based on the FEMA workbook ARE YOU READY

You might want to get it.

Daniel wants to know why you are not taking action to take care of yourself, your family, your loved ones, and your cats.

Daniel is putting up a survey real soon asking that question.

And no I am not a fat cat.

Gotta go, he is coming to the desk.

Stay tuned


Be Safe

P.S. Please reply with what you are seeking as far as an Emergency plan. Daniel can not help unless he knows what to help with.


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